We make the best deals
& the best investments
We make the best deals and the best investments to make you the most money we can. We combine our unique experience and unconventional approach for better returns.
We could tell you about our diversified portfolio, about our syndicate model, and about our detail-oriented approach.
But what really sets us apart is how we take the ‘road less travelled’. That means we do things differently to other companies. We see around corners and solve problems. And that’s how we get superior returns.
If you want to know more, there’s no better way to get to know us than by emailing us to start a discussion.
Board & Management
Every member of the Vertua team brings a unique set of skills and abilities that ensures the success of the business they work within. We seek to empower each team member to get things done, maximising returns and getting things done.
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News & Announcements
Vertua Limited (NSX:VERA) purses unique investment opportunities. View our latest announcements from National Stock Exchange of Australia (NSX).
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Corporate Governance
Consistent with the Group’s approach to sound corporate governance, opportunities for improvement are regularly considered. Day-to-day management of the affairs of the Group and its controlled entities are delegated.
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